Speech on how internet is influencing our life
The Internet means different things to different people. It is so because it has a variety of applications and it offers an ocean of opportunities for business. In short, Internet is an abbreviation for the Internetwork system, that is, a network of computer networks.
It was during 1969, when the US Department of Defence, through their Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), developed a network of computers using telephone lines and named it ARPANet, the seed of Internet. The ARPANet allowed access to various academicians and military personnel through their sites located at different places.
With gradual advancement in networking technology and availability of lot of information on the ARPANet, more and more computers started getting connected to it. A critical minimum mass for the Internet was ready. In 1990, ARPANet came to an end and the Internet became the most potent and uncontrollable communication force to reckon with.The Internet is a unique network. It is not administered by any international body. Instead, there is a voluntary society of Internet users called Internet Society that aims at promoting global exchange of information through the Internet. Its Internet Architect Board (IAB) is responsible for the technical management and directing the Internet. The entire support to Internet comes from the Internet enthusiasts who volunteer to contribute their mite in its growth.
The Internet architecture has three basic layers, namely, Internet Backbone, Internet Service Providers and the end user. The Internet backbones are high speed networks connected to each other and Internet service providers are connected to any one of the backbones with high speed data transfer lines. The end user, generally, dials up the Internet service provider to gain access to the Internet.