Speech on "If i will be a national leader"
If I will be a national leader, first of all I will be very happy. Because since childhood I was impressed by patriots, freedom fighters, famous world leaders and their achievements. I also wanted to be a renowned great leader.
I will be able to serve the nation very well as I know and will follow the difficulties of the people and Indian regions, political and economic system. I will be well educated too.
The biggest problems are poverty, illiteracy, old technology, raising costs and pollution, energy deficiency, unemployment. So I will make policies for more employment, more industries, phasing out old technologies, actions to reduce costs and inflation. I will give importance to ancient Indian traditions. I will make the Indians around the world proud of being Indian. I will unite the people to think of the progress of the country as the main goal, rather than fighting among ourselves.
Agriculture is the most important in India. Farmers and agricultural workers produce food and yet they remain poor. Some of them commit suicides too. I will like to introduce some of the policies that advanced countries have done regarding farming and welfare of farmers.
Population control is important. Black money should be brought out for public use. Judiciary and legal system is lagging behind times a lot. We need more courts to solve pending problems. We need more intelligence agencies to catch and prevent monetary cheaters who swindle a lot of money in scams.
We are helping our neighbour countries a lot. But they do not respect us that much. Our foreign policy should be changed to be tough towards such neighbours.
We must see sincerely that swach bharat campaign is a success and all roads and communities in all regions do not smell rot and are clean. River waters must be made clean and care should be taken to prevent them being polluted by industries and people. We are wasting a lot of money and effort as people become sick due to pollution, and they are treated in hospitals by doctors.
We continue to do greenary campaigns and plant a lot of trees. This will reduce pollution and keep the balance in the ecosystem. Save water campaigns must continue.
Power shortage is a big problem. I will see that atomic power plants are set up and we produce more power than consumption. Our space program is good and I will encourage them to do much better. Our defence system is not able to tackle the frequent invasions from Pakistan and China, into our land at the borders. I will see to that Pakistan and China will be afraid to think of an invasions.
People want to earn, but they do not like to pay taxes and save black money. We must change this orientation by education in schools and colleges and have respect for the law.
I will see that a lot of industries are set up in India to make gadgets and new technologies. We spend a lot of money which goes out to other countries. We need to increase production of food and other items in India and then exporting them.
I know that it is easy to think of implementing ideals , but it is hard to do so in practice. But still I will try to do as good as possible. I will like to make India like the modern advanced countries.