Hindi, asked by pooja9837, 1 year ago

speech on if I will be the principal of my school what things that I do a speech in Hindi please it's urgent ​


Answered by Anonymous


Have always admired my Principal, and have imagined being in her place. I have enjoyed dreaming what I would do if I exchange places with her, for just one day

The Principal’s room has always fascinated me. It symbolizes power and authority. It’s a privilege to enter the room for being praised but a matter of shame for being scolded.

I have always wanted to become the Principal of my school, and if I do, the first thing I shall take care of is permitting students to come to school in casuals- no school uniform because uniform changes a student to a mere roll number, with no identity of his own.

Moreover, variety, which is the spice of life, is also taken away from students, when they wear school uniform. I have always felt that the school uniform helps teachers and the Principal to boss over the students. If students come in casuals, different colours of their dresses would brighten up the school environment and make the school more interesting.

I feel that the school uniform makes the school dull and boring. You cannot differentiate between Ram and Ashok, thus I would abolish school uniform completely.

The second thing would be to ensure that no teacher scolds the student.

मेरे मन में भी स्कूल के सुधार से सम्बन्धित कुछ योजनाएँ हैं । यदि मैं प्रधानाध्यापक होता तो उन योजनाओं को अवश्य कार्यान्वित करता जो विद्यालय और विद्यार्थियों के हित में होतीं । सबसे पहले मैं, वे सभी अच्छी आदतें अपने में पैदा करता जिन्हें मैं विद्यार्थियों तथा अध्यापकों में देखना चाहता हूँ ।

मैं अनुशासन प्रिय तथा समय का पाबन्द बनता । समय पर उठकर प्रभु का नाम लेता और समय से पहले स्कूल पहुँचता । हमारे स्कूल में अच्छी तरह सफाई नहीं होती है लेकिन मैं स्कूल का पूरी तरह निरीक्षण करता और देखता कि स्कूल की अच्छी तरह सफाई हो गई है अथवा नहीं ।

विद्यार्थियों के डेस्क तथा कुर्सियाँ अच्छी तरह साफ हैं, या कहीं धूल तो नहीं । पेशाबघर अच्छी तरह घुले हुए हैं या कहीं बदबू तो नहीं । सबसे पहले सफाई कर्मचारियों को सतर्क करता और उनमें स्कूल की नियमित और ठीक ढंग से सफाई करने की आदत डालता । मैं स्कूल को इतना साफ रखता कि कहीं भी मच्छर, मक्खी अथवा धूल-गन्दगी दिखाई न देते ।

स्कूल खुलने के समय मैं गेट पर खड़ा हो जाता और देखता कि प्रत्येक विद्यार्थी निर्धारित वर्दी में है और वर्दी में साफ और सुन्दर है या नहीं । विद्यार्थी अच्छी प्रकार नहाकर आया है, उसने दाँतों पर ब्रश कर रखा है, नाखून कटे हुए हैं । यदि मैं देखता कि कोई विद्यार्थी ऐसा नहीं कर रहा है तो में उसे प्यार से समझाता । मैं किसी भी बालक को मारता नहीं । मैं कभी किसी पर गुस्सा नहीं करता ।

Answered by rehan1741


Springdales School, Dubai

I’ve never really thought about being a principal. It certainly appeals to me, but sitting behind a desk in a room alone to earn a living isn’t exactly the best job in the world. I would change all the periods to ‘Do whatever you want periods’ and give everyone anything they would want to do. First thing that comes to my mind is to exchange all the CPU’s we have with PS4s and sign a contract in the name of the school saying that nothing in the computer lab can be changed. Build a football field bigger than FC Barcelona’s Camp now. Turn each student’s place into an Emirates A380 first class suite! That’s all I would do for one day, as long as I am in a good mood. I hope it happens.

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