Speech on Ill health begins in mind for 5 minutes
it's truly said that ill health begins in mind.
if u r mentally healthy then the physical health doesn't matters much. But if a person is mentally unhealthy then he will surely be physically unhealthy as Well. For example, there are 2 old aged ppl going through the same problem of let's say swelling in legs and so are not able to walk properly from a long time. the first one feels then he won't be able to walk at all and so don't even try to do anything by his own. He don't even try to walk. So, his condition is becoming worsen day by day leading to other problems. But on the other hand, the second person has enough courage to somehow do his work on his own and tries to walk. There's a hope in his mind and a willpower to get up and run again. And the result is clear, the second person is becoming better day by day just coz of his willpower with a healthy mind and so his dreams come true.B it the first person is still on the bad and lost his hope with an unhealthy mind. ' You have to dream before your dreams come true '. So, I think that it's clear by this example that ill health begins in mind".
A healthy mind stays in a healthy body and a healthy body healtfies the society, and later the healthy society healthifies a healthy nation.
Health is the biggest wealth any person or any nation could have and hence, the Government of the nation should make extra efforts to increase the efficiency and facilities in the fields of medical.
Fitness is maintained by doing exercise like jogging, skipping, cycling, etc or my working out at the gym. A person should always do morning exercise along with meditation to keep his/her mind healthy along with his body.
Yoga, especially meditation plays an important role in keeping the mind healthy as when we do deep inhalation, the amount of oxygen taken increases which is supplied to brain and other parts of the body and the body works more precisely.
Eating Healthy is also important along with regular exercise. If a person eats excess junk after exercise, then there is no use of his efforts.
Junk food includes heavy amount of fats which leads to obesity which itself as a disease and hence, junks should be avoid.
We should never forget that we are the future of our nation and keeping oneself is as important as keeping the nation healthy.