English, asked by riyyaa, 1 year ago

speech on importance of friendship


Answered by kOyAl
We do not make friends because they are useful but the bond of friendship, once it grows stronger and stronger has a number of positive aspects. There are certain secrets that can only be shared with our friends only. When we are facing a difficult situation in our lives, only true friends come forward to help us overcome all the difficulties.Every friend is important and their importance in known to us when certain situations arise which can only be solved by our friends. One can never feel lonely in this world if he or she is surrounded by true friends. On the other hand, loneliness prevails in the lives of those who do not have friends despite of billions and billions of people present in the world. It has been truly said that “A friend in need is a friend indeed.”Friendship is a beautiful bond by all means but while making friends, it is essential to keep in mind that one should always be aware so as to differentiate between true friends and false friends.True friends are committed and stand by your side even in the rough phases of your life. False friends on the other hand are truly examined only when difficulties knock your door. Most of them show you their back and join hands with either your enemies or with other successful people. One should always try to maintain a distance from false friends. False friends are those who support you in times when you are rich and famous. As soon as fame and riches leave you alone, false friends also act as if they do not know you; you become stranger in their eyes. It has been said that only a difficult situation in life can make individuals realize who their true friends are and who their false friends are. It is always advisable to stay away from such individuals in order to maintain your peace of mind.It is extremely essential to be capable of making proper choices in life especially when we are interested in choosing the group of friends we want to support and be with for the rest of our lives. Choosing proper friends is a bit difficult task but not impossible. We should have a group of friends who are disciplined and punctual individuals. This is essential because of the reason that we start becoming like the people we hang out with most. If for example one or two of our close friends are involved in bad habits such as smoking, drinking and taking drugs, sooner or later we will follow suit. This is the reason why it is advisable to make a proper choice when it comes to making friends. True friendship is as a matter of fact a blessing enjoyed by a few. Those who have it should thank God for having true gems in their lives and those who do not have a few good friends should constantly strive for new ways to secure good friends. No company is better than having a friend by your side in times of need. You will remain happy in your one room apartment if you are surrounded by your friends; on the other hand, you cannot find happiness even in your mansion if you are alone.There are times when your family fails to solve all the problems of your life; you can easily get out of these problems of yours if you are in communication with a few friends.People who are lucky enough have a group of amazing friends who support them in facing all the hardships and adversities of life. Having a single good friend helps an individual to overcome all the hurdles in his or her lifetime. On the other hand if an individual does not have a single good friend life automatically turns hard. Securing true friendship is extremely essential to become successful in all the areas of life. I pray that everyone everywhere is surrounded by at least one or two good friends throughout their life.
Answered by Roshan4tech

Friendship can be defined as "The one on whom we are dependent the most". Friendship is a bond and relation between two individuals. In fact, it is one of the most precious gift that we have. The one who have true friend is one of the luckiest person in the world. The two individuals who are friends of each other always feels love for one another. If someone have same feelings and interest like you, then directly or indirectly, they will be friends. In our life, we meet lot of people but we stay with only some of them. And, these are our friends.

We have very large group of our friends in our School and College. They are the company for us. In fact, they helps us in examinations, completing homework, playing different games and entertainment. Friendship is very very delicate, think and thick. If one from two friends said something bad for other, then the two friends didn't live with each other. But, the this things doesn't matter for best and true friends. Having true friendship in a life makes one Happy and caring.

In our life, we meet many people, with some of them, we stay as friend, But, there is someone with whom we have our highest level of love, affection, truthiness and heavy bond and that is our Best friend or True friend. Everyone have best friend with whom they share there love, secrets, caring and affection. True friends always have caring and affection about one another. We share almost everything with our true friends, even those things too that we don't share with our father and mother. Having a true friendship not only makes one feel better, but also helps to keep proper happiness in one's life.

Our true friend knows everything about us. Both of the individuals in a true friendship have most of the same feelings, same thinking, same styles and language. This things makes our best friend more best. Some people even have friends have more greater place in heart than the one's parents and family members. True friends helps each other in exams, completing homework, doing work given by someone or teachers, playing, entertainment and everything. True friendship helps us to live a strong and happy life always.

Don't matter that, How intelligent the friend is. The thing that matter is love and caring about each other. Some people make friends to only those who have good marks and intelligent. But, that is totally wrong thing. Friends should be made by heart not by eyes. A true friend always teaches us what is good and what's not.

A true friend always helps to other in everything. He/she always live with his/her friend in Good times as well as Bad times. Friends who don't do anything for us in our bad time are nothing. This friends are just for meaning. Two true friends always work with same thought and same idea. And most of the true friends have same goal in life.

A friend in a life is very important. Because, it teaches us How to live in life? that is very important thing. Friendship also teaches us to love with someone other than family members. A true friend always motivate us to live happy life, shows us a right path, keeps us away from bad things. Sometimes, the fight may happens between friends, but we see that, how they are backed again.

In short, friendship teaches us to love, care, affect, share, loyalty, true person, patience etc. In fact, it makes us strong and happy person. Friendship is also a test that we have to pass. Friendship also shows us the path of our life. It makes us happy and keeps us away from bad thing, bad habits and evil.

Friends are needed to one another when they have troubles and difficulties and problems. We spend our most of the time with our friends by talking, discussing. Before choosing our friend, we are lot of attracted by their body language, behavior, outlook and attitude. Hence, it is very necessary to choose our best friend.

Some friends live their best friends due to some reasons like education in other city/school. And, this make them away from one another. But, these friends should always have contact with each other even they are away from one another.

Today, many companies have meet the other bad companies and bad friends which are destroying their life, showing wrong path for life. But, we do have time. We should carefully choose our friend. Not necessary intelligence. Only habit and caring matters.

So, True friends are pillar of life. They are the precious gift that we have achieved. We should learn to love, care, affection, patience with our friends. Feeling and caring are the two most important things between two friends. One's friendship can break due to some reasons, but restoring the friendship again is also one of the most important point.

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