English, asked by prakashcool125, 4 months ago

speech on
internet a blessing in disguise​


Answered by prateek19948

The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the standard internet protocol suite to serve billions of users worldwide .It is network of networks that is consist of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope” (from Wikipedia).Internet is such networking which connects the people of different area and give them chance to know about the culture of each other and share their ideas. It is one of the great inventions of science, which has removed about all complexities of life and had made the life much easier. Nowadays internet is vastly used some of the facts say that about 48% population of Asia use internet. In some countries like USA, UK, Japan about 4 out of 5 person use internet.

world just sitting in your room. There are so many Facebook accounts which are just to promote the religious teachings, culture and tradition and so many other. We share so many important things on Facebook. The E-mail is the cheapest and easiest way through which you drop your message to your friend, relative or someone whom you want to send with in no time even if he/she is offline.

In volleyball played even in past. You can find many sports tricks on internet and now it has become possible that there are sports tutors available on internet who can teach you exercise even in home through internet that is why mostly the people who are interested in sports claim that its blessing for them.

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Professor Hector Alwarez-Trujillo writes in his essay (Benefits and Challenges for online learner) ” technology has become the key to a new world of education”. He further writes that online learning has become the most popular source of learning. A great scholar MitchellKapor say “getting information off internet is like taking a drink from fire hydrant”. It has become now easier for education seeker to gain education on any time they want, there is no restriction of timings. There is no need to purchase the expansive books to study but now you can find all good stuff of your course on internet. Online learning has brought new possibilities in education to all potential students: “if you can’t go to school, we shall send the school to you”(Dwyer, and Doerr,1995). The internet has tremendous effect on the education, it has made possible for everyone to get good education, some people who can’t get admission in good universities or colleges they can get same good education on internet as some universities have online courses. There are so many universities which upload the lecture on their particular website and it becomes easier for students to avail the lecture and understand it. Namal College is also one of the such universities so it has become easier for student even if the college is closed they can find their educational stuff and assignment on internet. There are many good tutorials on internet which are very much helpful to the students . There is not only the written stuff avaible but there are also video lectures avaible as well. So many scholars and educationist believe that internet is blessing .But it also has some drawbacks as well. There is also some information on internet which misleads the person. Some people upload the information on internet which is not valid and many students get astray. As there are many religious websites on which the wrong information is uploaded which further lead to the misunderstanding and religious wars. Some anti-religions are making websites about religion and upload the wrong information on website and which further lead to the wars. So in that sense it seems curse.

Answered by chaudharygagan554


Internet- A blessing in disguise Human’s life has changed. Internet is one of the most recent changes in the last two decays. The most incredible invention is bringing infinite amount of information to your desktop. No one can deny Internet has made activities easier, faster and more convenient than before. Not surprisingly, this new phenomenon is perhaps one of the greatest invention of the last century, but unfortunately this occurrence has made some negative impact on our society. I believe it has made life more complex and stressful at work, school and everywhere else. First, at work place Internet has accelerated the pace of the modern living. That because Internet works so fast and never stops. As a result we have to move faster just to keep up. It helps exchanging ideas with other people. In this way you get your work done quicker than you could possibly think. At school, Internet can provide information on almost anything within seconds, so students watch, click and save dates. This is not the only benefit from it. Online chatting allows individuals to communicate with each-other globally. These instant chat programs have helped bringing families and friends together. It is faster and more reliable than the other ways of communication. It’s even cheaper. Entertainment is one of the most important advantages it has. It is one of the most popular ways of entertainment. Online games are one of the best examples. Although the positive aspects of the Internet are quite obvious, the disadvantages that it encompasses make the Internet, not just a dangerous place for some, but also a place where great mystery dwells. Much of the information on the Internet is worthless. Sometimes it is hard to find the useful material. Internet itself offers very little guidance on how to do this.



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