Speech on kargil war in English
As soon as the Government came to know, that thousands of Pakistani intruders have crossed the Loc (Line of Control) and perched themselves on strategic heights six to seven kilometers inside Indian territory in Kargil sector of Jammu and Kashmir, the government realized the seriousness of the matter and all operation Vijay was launched to flush out the infiltrators from the Kargil sector.”
On May 6, 1999, an Indian army patrol party first noticed some unusual movements in the Batalik sector. The extent of intrusion was discovered the next day itself when a second’ patrol party was sent to the area. By May 10-14, 1999, the Pakistani intruders were well into the Drass, Kaksar, Mashkoh and Batalik sectors, hazardously threatening the safety of Srinagar-Leh highway, the virtual line 01 communication.
This was the third time in the history of Independent India that Pakistan tried to occupy the Kashmir by assisting or backing the infiltrators. The first time justaflr independence, a second time in 1965 as part of operation Gibraltar that leads to Indo- Pak second war and now the third time through Kargil.It was on May 16, the Indian army launched counter insurgency operation and succeeded in forcing the Pakistan backed intruders to flee from one of the ridgelines the Kargil sector. Reinforcement were sent from the 15th Corps. to the affected art but the area couldn’t be fully cleared of the infiltrators.
The ‘Operation Vijay’ was launched on 26th May 1999 to clear of the area fully from the infiltrators backed by the Pak army. The actions were limited to the Indian side of Loc, as stated officially. “This is the start of operations and they w continue till our defence forces occupy our territory. Any escalation of conflict will be entirely the responsibility of Pakistan”, added further.
Pakistan’s Prime Minister Mr. Nawaj Sharif said” A war on the subcontinent could riot be ruled out”. This was later retracted by Mr. Mushahid Hussain, Information Minister of Pakistan. Mr. Vajpayee,the Minister of India, admitted on 31st May, that war like situation had developed Kargil sector, something like what had happened 52 years ago.
With the launching of Operation Vijay, the question on everybody’s! was, how much time Indian Army would take to push back the intruders from the Kargil sector? Many experts opined to take at least six months to clear the area Pak infiltrators and after six months there would be severe winter with snowfall in the sector, being part of Himalaya ‘ s range, but Indian forces stunned the world by pushing the intruders beyond the LoC within a period of just 50 days. Operation Vijay have been a magnificent success.