speech on library or ebooks
These days no one are interested in reading books because everything is replaced by technology with modern approaches. Example like e-books can be downloaded on smart phones, tablets and reading devices. Devices are very convenient as readers no longer need to carry heavy books.
Besides that, people also become lazy go to library because going to library is very time-consuming option as compare to internet. People are now becoming more dependent on search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo or Baidu which to search and get the answers for their everyday queries. People find it easy to use and it is spontaneous.
Library is a place where you could find different kinds of books.
If a book is auspicious, think how venerable a library could be where thousands of such books must have been kept!
One could find any kind of books he/she wishes to. It could be either frictional or could be related to fantasy.
Libraries are important as one could spend his timing exploring new books which could bring up his true habit of reading and could enlighten him spiritually.