English, asked by mudraxdagar1191, 11 months ago

speech on moral values at a decline


Answered by sanjuvirat05


The Decline of Moral Values and the Generation Gap

In today's society we are more relaxed about many things. And that is what seems to cause the  biggest difference between generations. Today the people of the younger generations speak what on their minds, unlike 20  !0 years .The decline of moral "alues is another big issue when it comes to generation gaps. It seem that intoday's world in the a"erage family both parents must work to pay the bills, thus lea"ing their children to learn a lot for themsel"es. #hich in my mind has the children learning from the world's morals and "alues and lets face it they are not that great. $any young people feel that in order to %fit in% they must lower their standards of right and wrong. And that may be why it so easy for a kid to go kill &0 of his classmates and not care.ecline in moral "alues is a global phenomenon. In the glamorous world of consumerism, the race for unlimited accumulation is formidable( hence moral "alues are generally gi"en a short shrift. )nds alone matter most and means are freeforall. The neglect of purity and morality in the means adopted ine"itably leads to further fall in moral inhibitions. $oral and ethical "alues are linked with purity. *umanistic "alues upheld by an indi"idual are a combination of moral, ethical and spiritual +ualities ac+uired.The rise of "iolence is phenomenal in these days of economic and material de"elopment. )conomic interests that lurk behind policies and perceptions lead to military actions against nations resulting in misery to children, mothers, elders and e"eryone. )ducation is not the only sector that can take responsibility of the ill do of the youth, but it can take maor share of the responsibility. $ost of the policy formulations take only a partial "iew of economic and materialistic de"elopment which is considered synonymous with progress. -uch a stance encourages "iolent beha"ior. The realiation that "iolence must be checked by all means seems to ha"e dawned upon educational policy makers globally. #e are often coming across the terminology /peace education used by international agencies. 1reparing children to internalie the strength of non "iolence is now on the agenda of schools and institutions of higher learning globally.#ho are the icons of the youth today The men of character were the icons of the past generation. These icons suffered for the human race. The icons of the youth today are film stars and sports persons. The way we present Indian history, heritage, and culture to our youth lea"es much to be refined, modified and updated. The great contribution made to the growth of world ci"iliation by ancient India is yet to be explored fully and proected onto those who deliberately attempt to ignore and distort these facts. -uch efforts must begin from the institutions that train teachers and must extend to schools and colleges through inser"ice and specific orientation  programmes at the earliest. The young of India must internalie a sense of pride in their ancestors

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