speech on morning scene
1 .Introduction- The charms of early morning scene. If the night is the death of the universe, morning is its rebirth, if the night is the sleep of the universe morning is the waking up of the universe. If it ’were always day or night nature and life would lose their charm.
2. Light of the dawn-When we wake up in the morning, the soft and tender light of the break of dawn greets our eyes and we‘feel that dawn has broken, not only outside our life but also in our soul The morning temperature is welcome to the earth, to the vegetable kingdom and to all living creatures.
3. Music of the birds-With the break of dawn, birds life also awakes and the air begins to sing an echo with the music of birds The birds are seen flying about, chirping and twittering. The gentle breeze 0f the morning caressing 0u1 bodies, has a refreshing effect.
4 The glorious scene-The trees, the fields, the streams all seem to be newly created out of the darkness. The sky and the land all seem to wear a tinge of red. The sun is seen peeping, half-hidden behind the clump of trees or a mound on the outskirts of the village. The rising sun is a delight to see.