speech on morning walk is better than evening walk .
morning walk is better than evening walk
The most important factor in deciding whether a morning walk or evening walk is best for you, is how it fits in with your lifestyle. It’s no good reading these pros and cons and deciding you are going to walk in the morning if it doesn’t actually fit in with your day.
For example, you may have a high powered job that involves a commute, but you are expected to be there early as you have tasks you need to complete before other staff arrive. Because of this you finish on time. In this scenario it would be almost impossible to fit a morning walk into your schedule too, and so you should adopt an evening walk practice.
Alternatively, you may work locally, and not required to start till 9.00, but often do some overtime or socialise with your colleagues after work. Whilst you don’t have a long distance to travel home, the fact that you can’t commit to a walk after work with confidence, and that if you get up a little earlier you can easily fit a walk in the morning, the choice becomes easy.
Whatever you choose, a morning walk or evening walk, you need to select the choice that best suits you and you can commit to regularly.