English, asked by vineetkaur220, 3 months ago

Speech on mum and my favourite place to visit


Answered by smithathylotusfeet


speech on mum


good morning respect teacher and my dear friends. MOTHER. The words mother describes immense love and care. Mother is the embodiment of love. Mother Is our first Teacher who guided us to Father , Father guided us ti god and god guided us to life..... Mother taught us to speak , Walk etc.... She gave birth to us despite the Painful Surgeries she had to undergo she enaures her child is safe. Mother is the first word we spoke . if we get a evan a small injury father will say its alright but motyer cant stand her child being hurt . mother is pure love and innocence . in front of our mother how old we arewe are never Big . We should respect our Mothers . treat them with love and kindness. We cannot pay tye debt of love she poured on us overtime. I love my mother . Thankyou

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