English, asked by Zoyi999, 1 year ago



Answered by kavarshini
In olden days, choosing a profession was not all all  a cause of worry. A farmer's son became a farmer,a potter's son a potter , a king's son a king and so on. But in the modern era, it is skill and knowledge ,not the caste or community of a person which decides what profession to choose.

The choice of a right profession is one of the most dreadful tasks a child has to face in his transition from childhood to adolescence.Throughout the early decades of independence, Indian kids had only a few choices like engineering, medicine,teaching, government service etc.But post liberalization, a number of new industries have emerged , providing todays kids with countless career options.Some other new attractive careers are in the IT , food, hospitality ,fashion  and infrastructure industries.

My desire is to become a software engineer when I grow up. My interest in this field has been since my primary school age. I have always had a fascination for computers.I love playing computer games very much. It was this interest in computer games that sparked off my curiosity about how software code is written,how graphics and animation are done .. and questions like. At a very early age I learnt flash and then started creating games in flash. My father saw this talent of mine and introduced me to his friend's son Mr.Jatin Patel who was an engineer with Microsoft corporation.Mr Jatin has been a very valuable mentor since then, giving me proper guidance in charting my career path and developing the necessary skills to succeed in this field.

The basic skill required for an software engineer is to have a sense of logic and commonsense, a mind that can think in many dimensions simultaneously and the knack of solving problems. I regularly solve puzzles and play chess to improve my analytical skills and problem -solving ability.I have also learnt the basics of operating systems like windows, Linux etc, and programming languages like C, C++,Java etc.I have even bugun to write programs in these languages. Another important skill needed to succeedd in the software industry, for that matter any industry is good communication skills. I have enrolled for laguage and personality development courses to sharpen my communication ability and other soft skills.

I am well awre of the pos and cons of becoming an IT enginer. A software softare professional has to work under tremendous pressure, work late nights and has to meet almost impossible deadlines, He might get no time for family and friends. And as one moves up the ladder, the pressure would only increase.

On the brighter side, this job provides the best salary in the industry. Apart from regular salary hikes, one also gets ample opportunity to travel abroad and in the process make a lot of ,money. More than the money, there are a lot of learning opportunities. Also thereis a deep sense of satisfaction in helping to build systems that make people's lives easier.

My plan is to do my bachelors and masters in engineerinf from ths best engineering college in the country and then bag a job in a reputed company like Microsoft or google..Hope that god willing ,everyting turns out fine and I get a chance to pursue the career of my choice and live the life of my dreams.

kavarshini: is it too big for u?
debnathayushi: what
kavarshini: is it too big for u?
Answered by debnathayushi

The task of choosing a career is very important and difficult. Every parent, when his child arrives at the secondary stage of school education, begins to worry about the career that the latter is going to follow. Every parent fondly believes that his child is destined for an exceptional career.

The truth, however, is quite different. In nine cases out of ten, it is impossible to tell while a child is at school, what parti­cular occupation will most suit his nature and capacity, and for many of us quite a number of occupations will suit quite as well as another.

Let us first dispose of children who are exceptionally endowed, the geniuses. Of course a genius depends upon opportunities like every other child, but even if the circumstances in which he is born are not favorable to him, he will by mere force of will, and hard work, win his way to that position in life to which his abilities entitle him. Take the case of Charles Dickens. He started life by sticking labels on gum bottles, and the circumstances under which he was born were enough to crush many men, yet he came to be one of the greatest literary figures of the nineteenth century. Lord Reading, before he became Viceroy of India, was a sailor, a stock exchange broker, a solicitor, and a politician. Genius will chalk out a career for itself and force its way to the occupation that suits it best. So the parent who thinks that his child is a genius does not need to worry about him.

For others, the ordinary children, careers are of two types—the secure and the insecure. The secure careers are those in which a man starts with a fixed salary, progresses with regular Incre­ments, and ends up with a pension or provident fund deposit at a certain age. The prizes in such careers are few, but so are the risks and many people prefer to have a low-paid job which is secure to the dangers and glories of an independent profession. Some people go into these secure jobs, not because they cannot afford to take any risks, but because they are bent upon doing some literary or scientific work, and cannot find the leisure for doing that, with­out an assured competency. But such people are few. Included in the secure careers are the Indian Administrative Service, Banking, Insurance and Teaching.

One must be careful about sticking to the career one has chosen for oneself because a rolling stone gathers no moss. There are certain limitations to a choice of career. In spite of all the psychological researches, it is riot always possible to judge properly the capacity of man. Bat one chosen; one should stick to one's career.

kavarshini: u have sent which i have sent.....
kavarshini: from http://schoolessaysforchildren.blogspot.in/
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