Speech on online classes versus offline classes.
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and argue that offline classes are the best
There are many benefits of taking classes online. Online programs make a college degree more accessible for many students – particularly those who are working full-time, who have family obligations, and/or who live far from the college campus. Online classes also give students more autonomy over their learning, and allow them to work at an individualized pace.
However, are online classes right for everyone? Today, about 1 in every 4 students claim that they learn better via online classes. This means that 3 out of 4 students still feel they perform better in a traditional classroom setting.
When weighing online classes vs. traditional classes, it is most important to consider your own unique learning style and scheduling needs. Below, we break down three of the top considerations for choosing between online classes and traditional classes on-campus
Hybrid Online and Traditional Classes: Are they an Option for You?
If you are still unsure whether online classes or traditional classes are right for you, you may consider both. (Yes, this is an option!) Some higher ed institutions, such as Goodwin University, offer a blended or “hybrid” format for students needing flexibility. This means that some college classes are offered on-campus, while others can be taken online. All classes, no matter the format, count towards your degree.
Hybrid degree programs allow students to get the best of both worlds. Online resources are readily available to students, supplementing traditional instruction (rather than replacing it). Students can meet with professors in person, collaborate with peers in class, and still benefit from the flexibility of online classes. And, research shows they work. As reported in one study, students (at nearly all levels of achievement) do just as well in hybrid classes as they do in traditional classrooms