Speech on outdoor activities lead to a healthy mind and a healthy body. please give the answer fast
Good for the mind. Outdoor recreation has psychological benefits, including the prevention or reduction of stress; improved self-esteem, confidence and creativity; spiritual growth; and an increased sense of exhilaration, adventure and challenge from life. Good for the body.
Last Updated: 6/11/2018
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Getting in the exercise you need can be as easy as taking a brisk walk outdoors.
Getting in the exercise you need can be as easy as taking a brisk walk outdoors.Alamy
There is no debating the health benefits of physical fitness. Getting regular exercise helps prevent heart disease and other chronic illness, improves mood, reduces stress, improves sleep, and more. In order for adults to reap those benefits, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each week.
That time commitment may seem like a tall order in your busy life. But the good news is that you don't have to book sessions in a gym to get in shape. Outdoor exercises are just as effective as indoor ones, can be more fun, and have some other appealing advantages.