Speech on people with special needs. 250 words
For my application paper, I have chosen again a topic that is dear to my heart. I continue to feel that the topic of special needs individual is deserving of more time and attention in Our Lady of the Lake University counseling program. In this paper I will use the term special needs to refer to and cover the following, learning difficulties, emotional or behavioral problems, or physical disabilities. Often counseling is excluded as an option for special need individual. More time and energy has been spent on controlling people with special needs with medication, physical restrictions and isolation. I feel that it would be in our best interest if our OLLU counseling program would have more information on serving the special needs population. We are taught how to assess for intellectual disability. However not much is taught on how to conduct a therapeutic session with these individuals specifically. For example, what is the best why to address an individual with special needs in session? How are we to approach therapy? Are there certain steps that we as professionals should be doing before we initiate a session in order to help our clients? Many people without disabilities often do not know how to respond to people with disabilities. Sometimes assumptions are made that people with special needs don’t have the cognitive skills to participate in counseling. I believe that therapists can be effective with individuals with special needs. However we are not being trained on