speech on power of positive thinking
hyyy mate
The power of positive thinking is vital for a happy life. Positive attitude creates happiness and success through encouragement and motivation. A positive approach to life helps us build our self-confidence, tune our decision-making capability and reduce stress on a daily basis.
If you want to take out air from a bottle, then you fill it with water. The air will automatically come out. In the same way, when positivity is poured within you, negativity simultaneously evaporates.
Sometimes difficulties arrive in your life, but positive thinking gives you the strength to face the situation, as well as remain unaffected. However, it is hard to stay positive when tragedy strikes. So, how do you prevent yourself from being drowned by your negative circumstances? Param Pujya Dadashri says, “Adopt one principle in life; always remain positive, never support negative. Whenever any negativity arises, remain silent.”
Even using negative speech for anyone, creates negative vibrations. These vibrations not only affect us, causing us to lose our peace of mind, but also the peace of mind of the opposite person. If we see the other person’s positives, then we will experience peace and so will they.
Hope it helps you