English, asked by vanyaawasthi, 1 year ago

speech on save nature


Answered by shivanirajput79822
Respected Teachers and My Dear Students – Warm Greetings to All!
The morning assembly has come to a close. Now, as the principal of this school, it becomes my responsibility to organize interactive sessions with my students. The reason being, I hardly get the opportunity to engage with you all and exchange our thought processes. Today the reason behind my addressing you all is to deliver a speech on nature and throw light on the vital role that nature plays in our lives.From quite some time, I am distressed after seeing man destroying nature and using it inconsiderately to meet his ends. Instead of giving back to nature or protecting it from various external threats – we are only exploiting the resources and gifts of nature. Is this right on our parts? Let me raise this question to all the children who are going to take responsibility of our mother earth in near future.
Our lives as human beings started on this planet Earth and since then our “Mother earth” has been exposed to external threats of destruction and mistreatment. Due to the inherent selfish nature of human beings, beautiful forests have been destroyed, rivers have been polluted and vast open lands have been usurped for building factories or other architectural development. Human beings are incessantly involved in such activities as hunting down animals, cutting down trees, releasing poisonous gases in the atmosphere, polluting rivers, etc. 
We do not even realize that we are invoking the anger of mother earth and are putting our existence under severe threat. Our earth is literally experiencing several strokes of destructive activities due to which the river beds are going dry, plants are dying and species of mammals have become extinct. Yet another grave problem that the world is grappling with in today’s time is ‘global warming’ which has a serious impact on our environment, such as melting down of glaciers, rising sea level and the change of climate at a fast pace. So we all must keep a check on our activities and help to bring such situations under control.
Now, the question comes how we can keep a check on our activities? Well, it will not require a lot from you. For instance, water is an important natural resource, so we should save every drop of water but turning off the tap when not in use and not unnecessarily using flushes or showers as these resulting in the excess wastage of water. Then, do not throw garbage in rivers or drain as these activities pollute our water bodies. As far as protecting our plants is concerned, do not use chemical pesticides and switch to home remedies or to various other eco-friendly means.
In addition to this, I will also advice you to not throw your rotten fruits, vegetables, leftover food, discarded teabags, egg shells in the garbage bins and instead use them to prepare organic manure for your home garden. Activities, such as composting are prove to be of great help in recycling waste products into useful manures.
Likewise, save your energy consumption. Switch off the power button when no one is in the room. Do not use personal vehicles, when public transportation can be used. In fact, you can even use bicycles for small distances and protect your environment from harmful release of gases. Thus, through these simple yet effective measures you can contribute greatly towards saving our mother nature from further exploitation.
In the end, I would just say that do not keep this information to yourself and spread the message around so that every person can become a responsible global citizen and helps in saving our planet.


I hope it will help you

vanyaawasthi: thanks it is very long
shivanirajput79822: i know that it is ver long but you know speech always spoken and written in more than 250 and 300 words
shivanirajput79822: very*
vanyaawasthi: yes
vanyaawasthi: again thanks
Answered by sunnymodi421
Speech on Save The Environment

Speech on Save Environment – 1

Respected Principal, Respected Vice Principal, Respected Teachers and My Fellow Students!

I am happy that today in our morning assembly we have taken this extremely vital topic, i.e. Saving the Environment for speech and discussion. And, it feels privileged that I, as the head girl of the school, have been given this opportunity of delivering a speech. Nothing excites me as much as the discussion on environment and geography; especially when it has become such a trending topic in recent times. I am sure each one of us wants to Save Environment at any cost. However, saving the environment doesn’t mean protecting only our immediate environment, but also our parks, forest reserves and wildlife sanctuaries too. There is no reason to doubt that we all owe this responsibility to make our Mother Earth; a cleaner and safer place to live in.

The all-embracing Mother Earth has bequeathed on human beings some incredibly beautiful gifts of nature, like we have rivers, mountains, forests and different natural resources that help us to survive on this planet every single day. Therefore, it’s our turn now to work towards in saving the environment from the challenges that are posing a constant threat for the existence of our Mother Earth.

Sadly, there is no part of the earth left that has not been affected by our actions so much so that our planet’s health – be it in the form of land where we survive and work on, the ozone layer, the water supply, the wildlife or our species – is being put under constant threat. The environment we live in is of course not as conducive as it used to be earlier. There are hordes of chemical industries excreting poisonous chemicals into the rivers and innumerable vehicles releasing dangerous fumes, people disposing waste in a manner which isn’t safe for our environment and ruining it.

Though the problem has aggravated to quite a great extent, but it does have a solution. It’s just that we will have to keep faith in ourselves that we can do something for our planet.

So let’s pledge to “Save our Mother Earth” in whatever ways possible for us.

There are various ways adopting which we can effectively contribute towards the cause. For instance, we can grow more and more trees in our living surroundings as well as where we find an empty piece of land. Or if you have a backyard or a piece of land at your home, then start planting trees. Plants, as we all know, absorb carbon dioxide for the process of photosynthesis and release oxygen into the environment. The estimation says that a single tree can soak up to one ton of carbon dioxide till the time it lives. No issues, if you don’t have much space, you can even keep small tubs of plants in your balcony, doorway or windows.

Secondly, use less of your personal vehicles and habituate yourself to use public transport and bicycles for short distances. Besides, do not waste energy at home or office. Switch off the device, when not in use. Then you can use fluorescent light bulbs in place of normal bulbs. You may find these bulbs expensive, but trust me they really help in bringing down our electricity bills and emit 70 percent less heat in comparison to normal bulbs.

You should also use water wisely; turn off the tap immediately after use. Don’t dump the garbage anywhere and dispose the waste in dustbin. Encourage others too in your family and at your work place to adopt these measures and save your environment from the impending doom.

This is all I have to say. Thank You!

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