English, asked by 9811933318, 11 months ago

speech on save water for class 7 ​


Answered by sandhubikram527


Speech on Save Water

A hearty welcome to all the teachers and students present in the auditorium. I am here to convey a speech on Save Water. We all know that water is the most useful resource on Earth. Also, we all are aware of its immense uses. We cannot imagine our lives without water. Moreover, we use water for household, agricultural, industrial, recreational and other purposes. Also, it is used for environmental purposes. Although, 70% of the Earth’s Surface is covered by water, yet, only 1% of freshwater is available for drinking. Most of our household tasks cannot be completed without water. Also, in industries, it is used for the preparation of goods and products. Furthermore, it assists in transportation too.

Despite its importance, we are facing deterioration in water resources. Although, it is a natural resource, yet we need to conserve the same. We need to save water for the development to take place in a sustainable manner. We must understand that it is the basis of humanity. Our earth is green because of water. There are many places facing the problem of water scarcity. Thus, we must take effective steps for the conservation of water.

Answered by amm201178


Good morning to the excellencies, respected teachers and my dear colleagues. I would like to speech on a very important topic “save water” today at this special occasion. As well all know that how the water is important for the continuation of life on the earth.

It is the most basic need of everyone (human being, animal, plant and other microorganisms). Water is the unique source of life, without water we cannot imagine the life here. Life on other planets is not possible just because of the absence of water. It is considered as the most important among other known celestial bodies.

Almost three-fourth area of the earth is covered by the water and it constitutes around 60-70 % of the living world. It seems that water is endless renewable source on the earth because it is regenerated and redistributed all over the earth through evaporation and rain. It arises a question in our mind that if water is renewable source then why we should worry for water and try to conserve it.

Save Water

Actually, there is only 1% of the water on the earth which is usable to us. And other water bodies have unusable water to us such as 97% salty sea water, 2% water in the form of glaciers and polar ice caps. Only 1% water is here for us over which a huge population all over the world is depended for the survival. Death is more possible in the lack of water than the lack of food. It again arises a question in our mind that why we are so late in realizing the need of water saving and conservation.

Since the life of each and every living things on the earth depends on water, then scenario will get worse if useful water become dirty or started reducing. A water looking fresh and drinkable from outside can be mixed with the harmful and toxic elements through various sources like industries, factories, sewer, etc and cause illness and death if ingested by animals, plants or human beings. Here are some tips which really will help us to save water:

Parents should aware their children about the need of water conservation. They should avoid buying recreational water toys (which require constant stream of water) to their children.

Everyone should be aware of the water shortage rules and restrictions and strictly follow in their own area.

Every employee should be active for the water conservation at their own work place and encourage their employer to promote water conservation in other effective ways.

There should be water conservation awareness and tips for every starter in the orientation manual and training program at schools, colleges, work place, offices, institutions, etc.

Water conservation techniques should be promoted on every news media such as TV, newspaper, radio, FM, community newsletters, bulletin boards, banners, etc.

People should be more active in their area to report (to their owner, local authorities, water management of district) any problems related to water loss through broken pipes, errant sprinklers, open hydrants, abandoned free-flowing wells, etc.

Water conservation awareness should be highly developed and promoted especially in the schools to aware children means future of the nation.

School students should be assigned to prepare projects on water conservation or given this topic during any competition like debate, discussion, essay writing or speech recitation.

It should be promoted at tourism level so that tourists and visitors can be aware of and understand the need for water conservation.

As being educated citizens we should encourage our friends and neighbors to join the water conscious community.

Everyone should make a task related to water saving and try to complete by the end of day

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