English, asked by drt, 1 year ago

speech on science and technology for asl


Answered by Vaani123
Science and technology plays vital role in the modern life and profoundly influenced the course of human civilization. Technological advancement in the modern life has provided us lots of remarkable insights all over the world. Scientific revolutions has taken its full speed from the 20th century and has become more advance in the 21st century. We have entered to the new century in new ways and with all the arrangements for well being of the people. Modern culture and civilization has become dependent over the science and technologies as they have become integral part of life according to the need and requirement of the people. India has become an important source of the creative and foundational scientific developments and approaches all across the world. All the great scientific discoveries and technological achievements in our country have improved the Indian economic status and have created many new ways to the new generations to grow in the technologically advanced environment. There are many new scientific researches and development have been possible in the field of Mathematics, Architecture, Chemistry, Astronomy, Medicine, Metallurgy, Natural Philosophy, physics, agriculture, health care, pharmaceuticals, astrophysics, nuclear energy, space technology, applications, defense research, biotechnology, information technology, electronics, oceanography and other areas. Introduction of scientific researches, ideas and techniques to the field of education has brought a huge level of positive change in the new generation and provided them variety of new and innovative opportunities to work in the field of their own interest. Modem science in India has been awakened by the continuous and hard efforts of the outstanding scientists. Scientists in India are great who have made possible the scientific advances of highest international calibre. Technological development in any filed enhances the economy of any nation. In order to improve the power of science and technology in India, Indian government has made Council of Scientific and Industrial Research in the year 1942 and Board of Scientific and Industrial Research in the year 1940. In order to emphasize the growth of science and technology in the country, Indian government has established a chain of national laboratories and research institutes in various regions. After the independence, our country has been involved in the promotion of spread of science for the national development. Variety of policies made by the government has emphasized the self-sufficiency and sustainable growth and development all through the country. Both science and technology have impacted the economic growth and social development in the country in extraordinary manner.
Answered by Roshan4tech

Science and technology

Science and technology are the two most important part of our living life. Science and technology have made our life so easy and luxurious. Everything which we see around us is a part of science. Gadgets, clocks, light bulbs, Mobiles, computers, Tables, Chairs, Paper, Pen and many infinity things are part of technology and science.

This all things and objects are all gift of science. By using this all things, we are today living a luxurious life. The world without science and with science... - Best example for this is ancient period of world and today's world. In the periods of ancient, there were no science and no technologies and hence, there were no technological advances and boring life in that period. Today, in this age of science and technology, we are happy with the gift given by science.

Role of science and technology in human life/advantages:

Science and technology are always getting developed day by day and due to this the world is becoming advanced and advanced so far. Science plays very important role in the life of humans. Not only humans but also all other living creatures are living in this technological world.

When we wake up in the morning by Alarm clock to when we go to bed and turn of lights. Our every activity have science.  A life without science and technology can't be even imagined by today's person. Every gadget which we use is a gift of science.

Benefits of Science and technology:

Science is not just important for all our daily activities of our home. Science and technology are very useful for every factor. Today, Medical science have treatment for every disease and due to which, Humans are diseases free ;  Computers ! Computers have made our life so easy and we can use them to store our information and data.

Transportation is also a important invention by science. With the help of Airplanes, today we can travel all over the world ; Internet.... Today, we can get know about anything, any person, any place in a bit of second through internet.

Mobile communication is also a very great gift by science. With the help of mobiles and phones, today we can contact with any person in this world. Today, every person in this world have it's own digital identity ; Morning newspapers ! This is also a gift of science only. We can get know about the all activities and events happened last day/month through a piece of paper.

Science and technology had also helped humans to look further from our planet earth. With the help of science and technology, today are trying to do as possible as space research.

And, Food and cropping is also a very huge discovery by man. Because of Agriculture and cropping, today we can eat good food today. Otherwise, we will have to eat all that fruits and meats of animals. Talking about the Benefits of science and technology, it will take a year to complete the all benefits of science and technology.

Progress in science and technology:

Everyday, science and technology are upgraded. Millions of scientists work together to explore the every matter in this universe. Lots of researches and experiments are conducted by scientists daily to make life easy as possible. Millions of new discoveries and inventions are done to bring out changes in science.

Science is changing very rapidly and it's very much hard to say about the future of the world. Humans are doing various researches in scientific fields to bring out advances in the next generation of humans.

Disadvantages of science:

As there are some weak points about everything, science too have some it's disadvantages. As science had made our life easier... But, what about the Nature and Environment ?

  • Plastic: This is one of the most dangerous invention of mankind. After the invention of plastic, everyone started using the plastic and today we can see the results. Because of plastic use, this world is getting affected day by day.

  • Mobile phones and internet: Internet and mobile phones have made our life much easier, but due to excessive use of mobile phones we may have diseases like Brain tumor, Neck and back problems, eyes problems and due to improper use of internet, there are chances to spread about the uncensored content, drugs selling and many illegal activities.

  • Defensive bomb: Bomb had been created by humans for their own protection. But today, we are in fear with it. And, it can do anything that can harmful to mankind.

Branches of science:

- Physical science (Study about the physical quantities)

- Earth science (Study related to different factors of earth.

- Chemical science (Study related to different chemical reactions in nature).

- Biology (Study of life and biological processes in living beings)

- Astronomy (Study relates to stars, galaxies of space and universe)

Science can be also defined as "A branch of knowledge for the study of various facts and truths and arranging them systematically is called as science".

Originally answered: https://brainly.in/question/255956

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