speech on should all Elementary School be required to teach foreign language
Should all Elementary School be required to teach foreign language?
Yes, all elementary schools should be required to teach foreign language. The world has become one global country. More and more people from various countries are interacting with one another. In order to communicate with foreign people we need to know their languages.
Learning a foreign language becomes easy at a young age. Children’s learning powers and capacity is at best, they naturally learn new things faster. Hence foreign languages should be introduced at elementary level.
English, which is a foreign language is being successfully learnt by young children all across the world and it has helped people living in different countries know and understand one another more intimately.
English is the language of the world now. All the communication, interaction, advertisements, etc. are predominantly in English language. Not knowing English means missing the chance to avail all the facilities provided on internet.
So, in conclusion it can be said it is far better to start teaching a foreign language at elementary level.