English, asked by yashchandra, 1 year ago

speech on sports and sportsmenship


Answered by mauth
Sports actually means the physical activities that people love to participate and enjoy plus it also makes them healthy in the process. People who want to involve in sports should try to be organized, skillful and should also be committed to fair play. People usually indulge in sports activities for fun and to get the physical exercise that they need to stay healthy.

It's certainly not necessary that everyone can come out a winner as there can only be one winner and these are activities in which you win some and loose some. So people who are good sportsmanship are always ready to appreciate and congratulate the winner and this displays good sportsmanship on their behalf.

Sports have always been part of history as early civilizations have also indulged in various sports activities. Gymnastics was popular in China while artifacts show that swimming and fishing were very popular sports of the people at the time of Pharaohs in Egypt.

Sports become a prominent part of the Greek culture and with it started the Olympic Games which is the recognized sports festival that is organized after every four years and sportsman from all over the world participate in it. Olympic Games have been organized from ancient times and this tradition is still carried on but in a much more regulated and organized form due to globalization and technical advancement.

People who participate in sports activity should show Sportsman spirit as this is an attitude that strives for fair play and people end up showing grace in victory and defeat. Sports are not about winning the game as the real concept lies in participating in the game.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4111748
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