English, asked by radrosie11, 5 months ago

speech on teamwork and its importance anyone can use this :D
Good Morning Everyone.

Today I am going to talk about Team work and its importance.

Teamwork is working together of people to achieve a certain goal. Without teamwork nothing is possible. If an organization lacks teamwork, the organisation will fall.
Five main points on being a successful team are:
Ideas and support.
Communication - Effective communication is the most important part of teamwork and involves consistently updating each person and never assuming that everyone has the same information. Being a good communicator also means being a good listener.
Collaboration - Teams that collaborate with each other and decide ideas without arguments and without wasting all their time on the basis of what they are doing, are going to be the most successful team.
Efficiency -Teams that work efficiently and smartly are the teams that finish their tasks quicker and have more time to focus on other important aspects.

Ideas - When a team works well together, members offer more suggestions and ideas. A respectful and trusting team environment will not only help the members to think more creatively, but also will lead to more productive and collaborative brainstorming sessions.
Support - It is easier for teams that support and help each other to face difficult situations like the loss of a team member.
As students we do participate in different team activities and we know how important team work is to achieve our goals
Finally, in a team there is no ‘I’ or ‘you’, for it is the duty of each team member to do their part of the job efficiently


Answered by bhumekab545

good  but teamwork doesnot work now a daays we cannot belive the people in this no one will copprate with the team work all people in this world are good .....

as u and ourself.......

hope this can understand .....

but this will work in sports not in real life....

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