English, asked by sharwin2964, 1 year ago

Speech on technology-man's master or slave


Answered by Sam2848207j


Is technology a menace or a blessing? Are we truly the master of what we created with our sweats and reasoning? Does it still listen to our commands? Or the creation now controls the creator? Series of questions like this come into one’s mind whenever there is news that another form of technology has emerged.

Th is series of questions has brought about a debate as to “whether technology is a master or a slave.” Th ose who claim that technology is a master believe that human beings have become slaves to technology in the sense that their entire lives are fashioned and controlled by technology. In today’s world, there is virtually nothing that can be done without technology.

Th erefore, they believe that technology controls us rather than the other way round. Also, the negative eff ect and the abusive use of technology have led to increased crime rate and immorality. Th e use of modern computer which is very fast and accurate and can process data neatly and more effi ciently has displaced people indiscriminately from their place of work thereby increasing the rate of unemployment, also the use of seductive drugs which now act as the best means of controlling human attitude and social behavior are all examples of the fact that technology now controls us rather than the other way round.

Technology a science of engineering can also aff ect our brain and reasoning capabilities, a neuron scientist at Oxford University once said that “human identify the idea that defi nes each and every one of us, could be facing unprecedented crisis, a crisis that would threaten long held notions of who we are, what we do and how we behave in the society”

Th e use of specially formulated drugs, such as, “Prozac” to control our emotions, and paxil as an antidote for shyness further support the view that it is technology that now controls us meaning the essence has been abused. Th ose that believe that technology is a slave however maintain the fact that human being still have ultimate control over technology in the sense that it is human beings who developed technology and they decide how best to use it. Th e great eff ects of technology in our lives, ranging from farming to businesses, education and instruction to entertainment, religious activities to morality in the society cannot be overemphasized. In a discussion with Dr. Muhammad Jibril a senior lecturer of the Department of Computer Science, Bayero University, Kano however said, “Technology to him is very essential and the essence why it was created cannot be defeated since the creator is also the operator.

Answered by SelieVisa


In our guest to discover unknown things and to invent new things we have reached a stage where it is unimaginable and impossible to live without technology. Technology has been gradually taking over our lives and we are not even aware of the fact that we have become slaves to technology. We have become too dependent and reliant on technology that if it were to be taken away from us we would confused and lost.

Technology is helping us in many ways like financial transaction, buying food and stuffs, paying our bills and booking our flight tickets in the comfort of our home. Similarly we can online education and degrees, instant medical advice on health issues, watching our favorite movies and many more. But although technology has been helping us, it has been pulling us away from the real world.

So many video games are available today. We play them in the name of recreation. But the truth is that both young and old people have become addicted to these games. In the process we have forgotten our priorities of life.

Human beings are social beings. We love the latest technological gadgets which help people to connect and communicate with each other. But in the process we have lost authentic relationships. Technology does not allow us to work as a team of real humans with real connection.

Psychologically, the silence without real human social life is making us more isolated and lonely. Depression is increasing but we don't like to blame technology because it has become a way of life for us.

Modern technology has stolen our physical well-being. We have less physical activities and many of our body parts are becoming less inactive and shutting down. New technologies can empower us to connect with people anywhere in the world. But the harsh reality is that these technologies have divided us. Within the last decade we have steadily and gradually become slaves to machines and technology, we have become actors in our own story.

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