Hindi, asked by blueseas7687, 1 month ago

Speech on"the impact of cyber bullying amongst teenagers"


Answered by yadavsujeetkumar4524


Imagine being personally targeted and bullied by another individual constantly. Maybe never seriously injured but verbally abused in person and possibly online. The issue of cyberbullying can be quite pivotal in this new generation. Cyberbullying is a controversial matter that the world must address because of how it can occur anywhere at any time, causes harm to targeted people, and affects all associated parties.

Cyberbullying is online bullying, which has only been around for a short amount of time. For example, cyberbullying is when someone repeatedly targets you in a negative way using electronic media (Reece). This statement explains what cyberbullying is and how it is different than common bullying. Continuing on, cyberbullying is a young concept because it involves technology which expands a teen’s reach of what their harm can do (Hinduja). In addition, the use of technology is new in this day and age and it can be much worse, unlike face to face bullying, you cannot avoid cyberbullies (Reece). With normal bullying it is possible to walk away or ignore. When it comes to cyberbullying whether you ignore the hateful texts or bad posts, or you turn of your electronic device, the messages will still be waiting. Also, bullying and cyberbullying have many similarities. Online victims know their bullies in real life too (“Internet”). This explains the similarity of usual bullying and how thiswill have the same effects. Next, a difference could also be cyberbulling does not happen at school, so there may be no teacher and no adult to tell (“Internet”). Cyberbullying could be as little as a text sent to a single person without anyone else knowing. Some people may be getting cyberbullied yet show no signs and others would be...... middle of paper ...onship of the family members and the victim will diminish because she will become distant, short tempered, and bashful. Another way unwise teens way react to online bullying is seeking revenge on the original bully (“Cyberbullying”). These kids feel hurt and embarrassed after being cyberbullied and want to get even with the bully. This will create unnecessary consequences for the once innocent victim. Cyberbullying can cause many different complications, and affect and hurt the victims, along with the people close to them, in a variety of ways.

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