English, asked by deevansh2746, 2 months ago

speech on topic - Appreciation of Culture and Craft" in about 100-120.


Answered by Anonymous


“Man does not live by bread alone. We do wish for the finer things in life, to appreciate beauty, love and something uplifting for the spirit,” said Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the 30th anniversary event of Lasalle College of the Arts.

As a matter of fact, arts and culture not only enriches our soul, but it could also be a strategic national resource after measuring the considerable impact it has on our economy, health and well-being, society and education.

1. Arts and Cultural Appreciation Can Improve One’s Brain and Overall Health

Researchers have determined that an appreciation for the arts and culture benefits one’s brain and overall physical health.

2. Arts and Cultural Appreciation Can Enhance Learning and Stimulates One’s Creative Thinking

Different visual-thinking methods are now being employed by different schools. They are designed to encourage students to closely observe selected works of art and describe in detail what they see.

3. Wholesome Arts Inspires Benevolent Thoughts, Improves One’s Moral Values and Uplifts the Human Spirit

Throughout history, people believed that traditional art forms are upright, human creations that are passed down from gods to human beings.

It’s believed that the emergence of traditional, human art forms had their beginnings in temples and churches.

Not only were these art forms able to express and uphold mankind’s goodness and beauty, they also showcased to man the magnificence of gods and the difference between goodness and evil. As such, they were able to exert a positive influence on mankind’s morality.

Sculptures, paintings and cultural performances also play an integral role in upholding human morality.

4. Arts and Cultural Appreciation Influences Our Sense of Beauty

Fine arts and music appreciation plays a guiding role with respect to mankind’s aesthetic values. It helps man determine ‘what is aesthetic’ and ‘what is the appropriate sense of beauty that people should have’.

5. Arts and Cultural Appreciation Can Improve One’s Quality of Life and Makes One Feel Good

Professor Semir Zeki, a neurobiologist at the University College London, found that when a person looks at great works of art, their brain is stimulated and they feel good.

“Try decorating your home with beautiful art pieces. I believe art can harmonise the environment and soothe the soul, all the more when you live in a concrete environment,” said Mr Yu.

“A nice painting could comfort you when you are feeling down. Some would arouse your feelings and thoughts, and some would evoke your memories. Paintings represent an artist’s feelings, thoughts and their lives,” she shared.

6. Arts and Cultural Appreciation Can Boost One’s Innovation and Soft Skills

Music played an important role in Einstein’s life. Some of his scientific discoveries sprang forth from the inspiration and imagination that he accessed through music. (E. O. Hoppe via Wikimedia Commons)

Music played an important role in Einstein’s life. Some of his scientific discoveries sprang forth from the inspiration and imagination that he accessed through music. (E. O. Hoppe via Wikimedia Commons)

Arts and culture appreciation could be a boon to working adults, claimed former gallerist, Howard Yu.

He strongly believes that scientists who are involved in the arts, are more inventive and innovative than those who do not.

For instance, Albert Einstein would play the piano or the violin to free his mind whenever he was stuck in the middle of a scientific theory.

Music played an important role in Einstein’s life. Some of his scientific discoveries sprang forth from the inspiration and imagination that he accessed through music.

Steve Jobs mentioned the importance of integrating technology with arts and technology in 2010 when he debuted the iPad.

7. Arts and Cultural Appreciation Can Help At-risk Youths

According to a study conducted by the University of California at Los Angeles, and another study co-authored by Dr Gillian Hampden-Thompson from the University of York’s Department of Education, participation in arts programmes, such as music, dance, theatre, or the visual arts, helps at-risk youth improve their academic grades, attitudes about themselves and their future, increase their job opportunities, while decreasing their involvement in delinquent behaviour.

Alluding to the ‘Youth Arts Transforms Lives’ campaign launched in the UK—which proved effective in youth-crime prevention, emotional development, health and psychological well-being—Singapore’s Central Youth Guidance Office (CYGO) introduced the Sports and Arts (SPAR) framework in 2012.

Through the SPAR framework, CYGO aims to build youths’ self-esteem, learning interests and critical life skills, as well as diminish their delinquency through sports and the arts.


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