English, asked by anu5797, 1 year ago

Speech on topic atithi devo bhava


Answered by sanskritigupta05


The ancient Indian tradition of welcoming the guest as God has stayed alive despite the countless changes our country has gone through.

The phrase “Atithi Devo Bhavah” has come into a new avatar, thanks to Amir Khan and his series of tourism advertisements. Awareness is being created within our country about forgotten courtesies that were symbolic of this ancient land of ours.

In the days of yore the Athiti or guest was a much awaited and welcome person.

His needs were meticulously met, indeed the host’s entire household revolved around him during the visit. Right from selection of the food to be cooked, to the way his bed was to be made was the topic of serious debate. Funds were set aside for the expenses of the visit which included take away gifts not only for the guest but his family.

Visits to places of interest were planned and the guest was duly escorted by one or more of the family. In fact a family member took leave on different days to keep the guest company, lest he be bored!

A lot of time, effort and money were expended for the guest’s comfort. The household budget for the next month was later scaled down to make up for present expenses. Important family matters and at times even childrens’ exams were considered secondary to the great tradition of taking care of the guest. Compromises were made gladly or grudgingly at the altar of hospitality. The guest was All Supreme and nothing and none could affect his dominion or mar his visit. As the end of the visit drew near, the guest would be coaxed to extend his visit for a few more days. If there were financial or other concerns, they would be quickly set aside in the great tradition of Eastern hospitality!

By and by joint families di-integrated and nuclear families came into existence.

Answered by IamThor


एक प्राचीन संस्कृत वाक्य है अतिथि देवो भव, जिसका शाब्दिक अर्थ होता है की महेमान भगवान समान होते है। प्राचीन काल से भारतीय संस्कृति में महेमान को भगवान का रूप माना जाता है। उनका बड़े भाव के साथ आदर सत्कार किया जाता है। अतिथि हमारे घर आने वाली कोई भी व्यक्ति हो सकती है चाहे वो रिश्तेदार, सगे संबंधी, पड़ोसी हो या दोस्त।  

अतिथि का आगमन बिना किसी प्रयोजन और  किसी भी समय हो सकता है। अतिथि का ध्यान रखना और उनके लिए उचित व्यवस्था करना हमारा कर्तव्य है। उनका आगमन जीवन में खुशियाँ भर जाता है। महाभारत  में बताया गया है की जो व्यक्ति अतिथि को चरण धोने के लिए जल देते हैं, वे कभी यमद्वार नहीं देखते। अतिथि अपनी चरण रज के साथ जब प्रवेश करते हैं तो अपना समस्त पुण्य घर में छोड़ जाते हैं।

महेमान के बारे में हमें मन में कभी भी हीन भावना नहीं रखनी चाहिए। उनका निरादर जैसे भगवान का निरादर करने जैसा है। अतिथि से हमेशा प्यार के साथ बात करनी चाहिए। आजकल समय बदलने के कारण अतिथि का रूप भी बदल गया है। आज के ज़माने में लोगों के पास इतना वक्त नहीं होता है कि वे अतिथि साथ बैठकर अपना कुछ समय व्यतीत कर पाये।

it took me two years to write

pls mark me as brainliest

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