English, asked by KayM, 1 year ago

speech on topic "if i were a millionaire" for asl of class 10th


Answered by kshytizkumar
I believe in luck. I am sure that the gates of wealth will certainly be opened on me. That is why I purchase a lottery ticket every week. As soon as I become a millionaire, I shall fulfill all my earthly desires. I will spend each rupee wisely. I shall buy a good house and equip it will all the modern facilities. I shall earmark a big fund for the service of the suffering humanity. I shall keep the remaining money intact. I am told time and again by some pessimistic friends that riches have wings. They also tell me that uneasy lies the head that wears a crown. They discourage me by saying that poverty is a blessing and that sweet are uses of adversity. I have determined to cut off the wings of wealth when it comes to me. I shall make the best use of every penny. I shall invest my money usefully so that I remain rich for the whole of my life. I shall never become poor once the gates of wealth are opened on me. That is why I tell the prophets of doom to keep their counsels to themselves. I continue to try my luck without getting discouraged.
Answered by Ladylaurel


The modern age is a materialistic age. Virtually, there is a rule of money all over the world. In reality, almost everybody is after money whatever he may profess to be or profess to do.

It need not be stressed that now everybody wants to become a millionaire. Normally, it is very difficult for a poor man to become a millionaire. But there are certain channels and means such as a jackpot lottery, G.K. Competitions, literary and other prizes, etc. which can make even a pauper to realize his dream of becoming a millionaire if he is lucky. In the normal course, I cannot think of becoming a millionaire.It can happen only if I get some lucky stroke. But I have the power of imagination and I can become a millionaire at least in my imagination. If I were a millionaire, I’d use my wealth most judiciously and that for positive purposes for me and my family and for others. I’d help the poorest children to get education. I’d pay for their books, fees, healthcare and even food and clothing, if necessary.I’d open dispensaries and schools in rural areas. I’d start a chain of factories to increase industrialism and provide employment to thousands of unemployed meritorious young men and women. I’d provide a park for children in my own locality. I’d help all my poor relations and acquaintances. I’d help the Municipal Committee of my town to arrange sewerage in the whole town.I’d donate liberally for all kinds of victims such as floods, famine, cyclone, earthquake, communal riots, terrorism, etc. And even more than that, I’d not hesitate in doing social service with my own hands irrespective of the amount of wealth and luxuries I may have

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