speech on untouchability
Untouchability Essay: Untouchability is the method of discrimination based on their production team and work among different individuals and groups. Untouchability has long been taught. The untouchables are usually treated inhumanely because they are from the lower caste. In almost all places, they have suffered various types of discrimination.
The term Dalit is derived from Sanskrit, meaning broken or downtrodden. Many claim that the untouchability regime still prevails in India, but also in other countries, such as Japan, Tibet and Korea.Vedic texts separating citizens into four key classes have been used to distinguish castes from: Brahmans priests and elite citizens; Kshatrijas warriors; valishias small entrepreneurs and merchants; and Shudras health care staff.
English > Essays > Essay on Untouchability for Students and Children
Essay on Untouchability for Students and Children
500+ Words Essay on Untouchability
Untouchability is the practice of discriminating various individuals and groups based on their cast and the jobs done by them. Untouchability is practiced for a very long time. It works on the Indian caste system hierarchy. The untouchables usually bear inhuman treatment because they belong to the lower caste. They have been going through various kinds of discrimination in almost all places.