speech on virtual sports activity
Usually during this term of the school year, we would be spending time preparing for our Annual Active Week and this year will be no different. We all know that Sports Day is a day that many children (and teachers!) look forward to. Sadly, this year we will not get the opportunity to enjoy this.
We want to provide the children with a way of bringing the fun and excitement of Active Week and Sports Day to their own homes. We’re asking you to stay active at home, by practicing some of the activities provided by your teacher. Some of these resources can also be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Children and young people need at least 60 minutes of physical activity each day. That could be 15 minutes of stretching in the morning, throwing and catching a ball for 15 minutes, 15 minutes of skipping after lunch and a 15 minute walk in the evening.
We encourage all of you to send us your pictures and videos of your Active Week & Sports Day during the week of 8th – 12th June and we look forward to hearing all about the different exercises you tried at home with your family.
Answer in attachment.
Hope it will help you .