English, asked by Aaleema3705, 10 months ago

Speech on women and society for her


Answered by neha9425
The situation of the women that we see in the present is not the same as it was in the past. Women have struggled a lot to regain their lost importance and they have been successful also up to an extent. This is the result of their hard work only that today they are also allowed to work outside the home and attend school. By seeing the dint of the women the Supreme Court also formulated a different law to help women to their fight. Nowadays the number of girl student has also increased in the school as compared to that of the past. Women are also paid the same salary for the work they do like that to men. But today also when the whole society has changed its mind setups regarding the status of women there are still many who use women in different kinds of advertisements, makes ill-natured songs on women, and still say that women are crossing their limits. There is still a lot to be done for the women.
Answered by Serinus

Man and women are one of the major components of society. Since the formation of the society, there has been discrimination on how society looks on both the genders. It is through the lens of the society that we build our conceptions. Women are considered as being inferior to men on the aspect of physical strength and working capabilities. Although this has been a prejudiced concept still the society moves on with this thought and idea. Women have always been deprived of certain things which only men get the liability to enjoy all together. Society decides the role of the women and builds certain parameters in which it judges and makes the conclusion about women. But with the coming of the modern era, it is being noticed that women are getting space and opportunities to prove themselves as well. There has been the system of reservation given to the women in many aspects which has enabled the women to get equal opportunities like men. Reservation in education, employment and legislature have helped women to come forward with the issues of equality and upgrade in their status. Westernization has led positive effect on the issues of women and now they are getting empowerment. In every field, today women are given equal opportunities and space so as to enhance themselves. They have proved themselves to be efficient in all the professions of the world. Hence, it becomes very clear to the society that women have performed brilliantly after getting the space which the women were always deprived of.

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