English, asked by nehasharmacool45, 1 year ago

Speech on women safety in Delhi


Answered by toobafatima9262


the events of the last few weeks in Delhi have left us feeling angry , disappointed and helpless we have raised questions our heads, on Twitter and Facebook and on the streets about safety in Delhi and on the larger level asked if India is safe for women .

Answered by haseent


Women safety is something we all as citizens of India should work on. Women security is cared by the government, they work hard to make sure about women safety But as citizen of India and as a human being we must ensure that when we something wrong happening before us we raise out voice against. We should make sure that we educate the youth there responsibilities. I appreciate that some states of India are taking steps to make sure safety of their people not only for women the Tamil Nadu Government as launched the kaval thurai App which on receiving your notification at time of emergency situations locates your location and helps you at the right time. Delhi being the capital of India is where a lot od tourist as well as people come for looking for job, educational opportunities but it is also considered not safe for women at night. Women safety should be taken care of the culprits are to be given severe punishments. Hope the answer is helpful

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