English, asked by mohanjee5987, 11 months ago

speech topic for asl class 11th topic technology and man


Answered by upenderjoshi28

                                               Technology and Man

Good morning; I am going to express my views on ‘Technology and Man’. Technology has proved both boon and bane for man. If it has made his life comfortable and convenient, it has also made him dependent and disease prone.  

There are many facets of technology. Technology has many benefits as well as disadvantages. Technology is helpful to us in many ways. If we look at productivity from industrial and manufacturing point of view, technology has enhanced the productivity immensely. For example, in auto-industry, heavy vehicles and machinery manufacturing, electronics goods manufacturing, technology has done miracles. Companies produce goods faster and more efficiently. Similarly in all other fields such as defense, education, medicines, agriculture, mining, fishing, infra-structure building, IT sector, and many more technology has enhanced productivity.  

On the other hand, if we look at technology’s effect on man’s physical, mental, and spiritual aspects, they have been adversely affected by technology. Modern life-style and man's increasing dependence on technology have literally atrophied his intelligence. Not only intelligence, the effect of technology is visible on all aspects of his life. Machines, gadgets, vehicles, smart-phones, tabs, laptops, ac, blower, geyser, and whatnot, man cannot live for a second without technology.  

As a consequence, he has become physically, mentally, socially, spiritually, emotionally weak! The present signs of his decadence do not augur well! If he fails to control his dependence on technology, he may become utterly incapable of surviving any longer on this planet. The ever increasing indexes of patients in the hospitals of the world is a red-sign for man. The need of the hour is man must learn to use technology wisely and appropriately. After all excess of everything is always bad!

Answered by Arslankincsem

Technology is at its fast pace of development.

With the passage of time, each and everything is changing for the best.

The introduction of computer systems along with mobile phones and other electronic gadgets has made our lives too easy.

There is no need to work hard too much as well used to do earlier.

Within few clicks, it will become easy to get the required information.

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