English, asked by koolakash9951, 9 months ago

Speech writing on dangerous effect of smoking


Answered by adityaajaysingh4


Speech on Tobacco Use Fellow Students,

We all know that tobacco kills. In this speech, I want to tell everyone that tobacco kills non-smokers as well. Let us be clear about it. Second-hand smoke also kills.

It is well documented through solid science that exposure to second-hand smoke causes cancer and contributes to various lung and heart diseases. It can cause asthma and other…show more content…

Reality however, is different. We are all exposed to second-hand smoke nearly everywhere we go; in cafes, in airports, in shopping centres, often in the workplace. In countries where there are no controls on smoking, people are exposed to it all day, every day. So are people who work in restaurants or bars. The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 700 million, or almost half, of the world's children are exposed to second-hand smoke. In spite of what science tells us, however, in many places it is considered so acceptable to smoke, and so rude and unaccommodating to protest, that we dare not speak out against second-hand smoke. The time has come for us to speak out. We have a right to breathe clean air. We have a right to good health and to protect our friends and family. We need to clear the air of second-hand smoke. Today, we are calling for a ban on smoking in public places. Such a ban offers a comprehensive solution to keeping the air clean and safe for all people, both smokers and non-smokers. It puts the emphasis on people's right to health and helps to make smoking the exception rather than the norm. From Canada to Thailand, Australia to South Africaand Ireland, wherever smoking bans have been put into effect they have also been shown to help people quit smoking. The wider the bans on smoking in public places are, the

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The Family Smoking Prevention And Tobacco Control Act

1135 Words | 5 Pages

The Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act (“Act”) signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2009 does not violate the First Amendment in regards to tobacco product advertisements. The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the

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Enough is Enough

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Tobacco, once recreationally customary and signified one as being “cool” has done a substantial 180 degree turn. With the knowledge that came along with the 20th century also came the harsh truth that tobacco causes illness and disease. Recently the use of tobacco has been brought into our governments legislations and state laws prohibiting tobacco use in varies of ways. With designated smoking areas outside and in parks. No smoking in bars and restaurants many smokers are being victimized by a bad

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Tobacco and Hookah

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Speech Two: Informative Speech Tittle: Hookah is the new thing to do no matter what the case may be General Purpose: To inform all the new, effective ideas of hookah Specific purpose: By the end of my speech, my audience will be educated on what hookah is, all the new ways of smoking it and the different techniques of enjoying it in a perfect way. INTRODUCTION: I. Attention getting device: Doesn’t everybody just want to sit back, relax and be stress free while enjoying everything around you

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Smoking Persuasive Speech

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I. Introduction a. Attention Getter: Each year, primarily because of exposure to secondhand smoke, an estimated 3,000 nonsmoking Americans die of lung cancer. b. Background: Tobacco were around 6,000 B.C. and was only grown in America. It was not used until Christopher Columbus had discovered it. c. Audience Relevance: This is important because it affects many people.Smoking harms every organ in the body. d. Speaker Credibility: My uncle smoked cigarettes

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Why You Should Quit Smoking Essay

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problems associated with it or maybe even you may already have some issues from smoking or being around those that smoke. Thesis: It is imperative for smokers to quit because it benefits society as a whole as well as themselves. Fighting against the use of tobacco is important because it causes many diseases and is a player in air pollution. Transition: Actions and decisions are made each day around youth can lead them to have a skewed understanding of what is right and wrong and issues should be addressed

Answered by HarsHart420


Respected teachers and dear friends

Hazards of smoking’ is my topic today. A sight in our canteen shocked me when I saw some students smoking with their eyes closed. Don’t we know that many meet premature death due to diseases related to tobacco consumption?

Smoking harms passive smokers more. All anti-smoking campaigns have failed. Friends, do not imitate celebrities and actors and throw out the rings of smoke from your mouth.Smoking causes respiratory diseases, lung cancer and damage body organs. Are we not responsible for encouraging smoking? We see teachers, passengers, elders smoking. People smoke in public places. Is it not a fact that we are gutless and cowardly as we do not raise any voice against smoking?We must point out if somebody is smoking. Illiterate smokers should be made aware of the hazards of smoking. But remain cool because we are fighting evil. Down with smoking. Kick away lady nicotine even if she is charming. Thanks.

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