Speech writing.pls help me in this question.
jijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijijiji book Ji bibibibibibibjbibibivivuvi
good morning to one and all
today is an auspicious occasion where we get a chance to acknowledge the hard work of the teachers who made the students into future leaders this day is known as teacher's day which which is celebrated as anniversary of Dr. s. radhakrishnan the second President of the independent India who himself was teacher philosopher and educationist.
Teachers are the pillars of the country they guide shaped the destiny of the students they teach them to become better human beings they are the reason behind the successful career of the students teachers like s. radhakrishnan and a.p.j Kalam are some of the renowed names that have given the meaning as teacher.
Teachers are not necessarily present in schools everyone around us teaches some or something the greatest of of all teachers is life that the teachers are the art of the survival parents are our prime most teachers our friends nature,prime, mistakes, everything is a teacher in in some form or the other 5th September is the day to all honour them
hope it helps to you ☺️