English, asked by kajal621, 1 year ago

speech writing to mom dad and teacher thanx for guidance​


Answered by akankshakirpan75

A open letter to my parents: At this point in my life, I’m considered an adult. Yes, maybe sometimes I don’t completely act like it, but that’s part of life, right? As I’m growing up, I realize just how much you did for me. And, for that, I need to truly thank you; something I don’t think I’ve appropriately done to date.

Dad, thank you for telling me what I’m capable of. For giving me the support that I needed to build a dream to chase after. And for believing that I have the talent to reach my goals.

Mom, thank you for making me realize that I’m worth everything in this world. That I must be treated like a queen, and that I should never settle for less than what I deserve.

Dad, thank you for spending countless hours after you got home from work each night to teach me math that I wasn’t going to learn in school for a few years later. It kept me challenged and ahead of the class as best as you could have. And with all my classes. That means so much to me that you hate seeing me struggle.

Mom, thank you for giving me a shoulder to cry on when my “friends” broke my heart, and to let me know that my world wasn’t crashing down around me — as much as I believed it was at the time. You have been my true best girlfriend growing up......

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