English, asked by aayuvashu, 5 months ago

Speech Writing :-
You are Ali/ Alia, Head girl / Head boy of your school. You are deeply disturbed by the rising cases of aggressive behaviour of students in your school. You decide to speak during the morning assembly about it. Write a speech on 'Indiscipline in Schools'. (150 - 200 words)


Answered by fincyfincy55


the answer is below!


Good Morning respected teachers and my dear friends! I am ali/alia. Today I am going to talk about something that is very important in a student’s life – discipline . ‘Discipline is the key to success’ - this saying stands true for all times and for all people of all age groups. But especially for students, it holds great value. In contemporary times there are so many temptations that can lure a student away from his basic objective in life. All of us have witnessed the aggressive behaviour that the students portray towards others. Self-restraint is very important in life and all of us should work towards achieving it. We should respect our fellow students and not portray any kind of violence towards them. Self-restraint and discipline together can work wonders. They can help us achieve our goals in life. Aggressive behaviour has never helped anybody in life. Instead, it causes harm both to you and towards whom you portray your aggression. It robs you of your inner peace as you are constantly angry at someone or the other. Instead, if you tackle any situation peacefully, you can take better decision which you will not regret later. Hence, we can say that aggression leads us nowhere only makes our problems worse.Thank you very very much

mark me as brainliest!!!!

Answered by Anonymous

Required Speech :-


It has been reported that number of fights  and cases of bullying has gone up  tremendously in the last few months in our  school.

Good morning to one and all present here.  Today, I, Ali/Alia, your head boy/girl stand  before you to throw light upon the grave  issue of "Increasing Indiscipline in  Schools".

It has been brought into lime light that  disobedience of teachers, bullying, fights  with peers, truancy and insults is becoming  a common trend. Not only this, there have  been complaints of parents witnessing a  shift in their children's attitude. This is  resulting in a lot of children getting  hurt   emotionally, mentally and physically. The  impact this attitude is having on kids at  early age is disastrous and irreversible.

Not to forget the damage that has been  done to the school property. Stealing  chalks, scribbling on desks, walls and washroom doors, destroying CCTV  cameras and the list goes on. By doing this,  we are only letting us deprive ourselves of  the amenities being provided to us.

After a lot of meetings, lack of proper  guidance, excessive use of social media  and peer pressure have been observed to  be the root causes of the problem. The  counsel is taking steps to improve the  situation. Life skill classes are being made  mandatory for everyone. Teachings will  include counselling, motivation and  inculcating friendly values. Seminars for  parents and students will be regularly  organized. A counsellor to help you all  share your grudges , feelings, and sharing  your personal problem is being made  available. We are doing everything we can  and expect the same from you.  

So, let's join our hands together and build  an environment where we encourage,  motivate, help and be kind to each other for we are good and civilised beings capable of  a lot of love.

Thank you.

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