Physics, asked by Just143, 1 year ago

Speed of sound and speed of light?

qais: u should give detail about the medium of light and sound?
Just143: M sry


Answered by scientistanju
Speed of light is 299 792 458 m/s

qais: give compete answer
qais: see...sound requires medium but light doesnot
qais: u should say that speed of light in vaccum is 3*10^8m/s and the speed of sound in air is 340 m/s
mrigya: Hey it's wrong answer.......!!!!!
qais: okey then ..u carry on
Just143: OMG what to 2 now......???????
Answered by nikhilnikhil1
speed of sound is 343 m/sec and light speed is 299792458 m/sec

qais: again google copy paste
mrigya: Even this is wrong!
Just143: Plz na someone delete their answers!!!
Just143: Someone plz delete their answers.....!!!
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