English, asked by nasrinakbani, 7 months ago

speeech on eco-friendly festivals
please answer ​


Answered by bhavyashree97


Use natural plates like banana leaves instead of plastic plates for distributing prasad. Use recycled paper sheets and boxes for packing gifts. Practise the principle of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle to cut down on the amount of wastes produced during festivals. Take care of Mother Earth and celebrate life.

As we celebrate Diwali as a symbol of all that is good and pure in the world, lets take a moment and dedicate it to nature this year by celebrating an eco-friendly Diwali. Air pollution rises to dangerous levels during the days of Diwali celebration and energy and food wastage also increases

Here are 6 creative ways that will help you celebrate Diwali that will help you celebrate Diwali in an eco-friendly manner without downing your festive spirits.

Use oil Diyas and LED lights instead of candles. ...

Make natural Rangoli. ...

Upcycle your Home Decor. ...

Say nay to Crackers. ...

Go Organic. ...

Notch-Up your Crockery.

Hope this helps you dear..

Answered by tanneeruvinoothna


The phrase, 'Diwali without crackers', is often referred to as 'eco-friendly diwali'. i.e., celebration of Diwali festival in a way that do not post threat to the environment. Diwali Crackers are the firecrackers that comprises of substances that explode on lighting to make loud bursting sound


My dear friends first of all I would like to tell you that Eco-friendly Diwali means environment-friendly Diwali or nature-friendly Diwali. Like Eco-friendly is the marketing claim referring to goods and services, laws, guidelines, and policies, that inflict reduced, or minimal, or no harm upon ecosystems or the environment. Some companies use these ambiguous terms to promote goods and services, sometimes with additional, more specific certifications, such as Eco-labels. Their general use as euphemisms can be referred to as green washing.

Friends, I would like to inform you also this fact that the International Organization for Standardization has developed ISO 14020 and ISO 14024 to establish principles and procedures for environmental labels and declarations that certifiers and Eco-Labellers should follow. In particular, these standards relate to the avoidance of financial conflicts of interest, the use of sound scientific methods and accepted test procedures, and openness and transparency in the setting of standards.

So friends, without bursting the crackers, and not misusing the electricity, we can celebrate Eco-friendly Diwali. Because friends, the real meaning of Diwali is not only bursting the crackers, and only lighting, but its real meaning is burning the row of earthen lamps. We can save our nature, our environment and also our natural resources like electric energy by celebrating Eco-friendly Diwali. Because friends, bursting the crackers make our environment polluted. Crackers make too much noise and also put out fume. So friends, by bursting the crackers we receive air pollution and also sound pollution. So friends if we celebrate Eco-friendly Diwali, we would produce no harm into our environment. With saving our nature we would save and maintain our budget also. And friends by celebrating Eco-friendly Diwali, we would avoid any kind of arson incident.

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