Spend health, earn money
Spend money and earn health.
Elucidate the above idea.
In first situation we are not taking care of our health and running to earn money ,when we earn money we came to know about that our health is not good and then we spend money to regain the health.
Both money and health are highly important. But comparatively I will choose health because health is an asset which generates money but if you choose money over health with a span of time it will deteriorate.
Health is inevitable for anybody irrespective of age, status, sect, nation, gender and whatever, while Wealth is sufficient to the extent of one’s needs. Health is Life’s main element, while Wealth is an additional element to Life. Health is primary and Wealth is secondary. It is just like, Health is like a shelter. First you need to have a shelter to live. Only after then, you will try to decorate your shelter to look beautiful. This decoration is Wealth.