Biology, asked by naman4353, 1 year ago

Spider web is formed by a fluid secreted by its
(a) abdominal gland (b) salivary gland
(c) cephalothorax (d) None of these


Answered by PHOENIX234




It is fluid which hardens on coming in contact with air.

Answered by Anonymous

A spider web is formed by the fluid that is secreted by the (a) abdominal gland.

  • Within spiders are ducts, through which the silk passes before leaving the spider.
  • The silk is made up of the liquid proteins. When the liquid reaches the duct, water is extracted from the cells from the silk proteins and is turned into a solid fiber as it is forced through the acidic silk glands.
  • These silk glands are also known as the spinneret glands. Spiders can have two to eight spinnerets. Spinneret glands are on the tip of spider's abdomen and is thus, also called the abdominal gland
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