English, asked by rashmiranigupta7, 6 months ago

Spiele is like alle van asceu
11. Select the option that makes the correct use of "unattainable", as used in the pa
blank space.
development implies a long-term perspective.
(b) Keep goals small so they are more easily
(c) Diabetes is
but not curable.
(d) Some economists think that 100% employment in India is an
12. Choose the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the
"Life is about creating
and living experiences
that are worth sharing."
Steve Jobs
"Imagination is more
important than
knowledge." - Albert
“Happiness is not
something readymade, it
comes from your own
Dalai Lama


Answered by Madankumar808103


seer the following:

11.5.2 Area of Circle

Amange the separate pieces as shown in Fig 11.36, which is roughly a parallelogram.

A farmer dug a flower bed of radius 7 m at the centre of a field. He needs to


purchase fertiliser. If I kg of fertiliser is required for 1 square metre area.

how much fertiliser should he purchase?

. What will be the cost of polishing a circular table-top of radius 2 m at the rate

of 10 per square metre?

Can you tell what we need to find in such cases, Area or Perimeter? In such

makes we need to find the area of the circular region. Let us find the area of a circle, using


Draw a circle of radius 4 cm on a graph paper (Fig 11.34). Find the area by counting

he number of squares enclosed.

As the edges are not straight, we get a rough estimate of the area of circle by this method,

71 side There is another way of finding the area of a circle.

Draw a circle and shade one half of the circle [Fig 11.350). Now fold the circle into


sighths and cut along the folds (Fig 11.35(11)].

Fig 11.35

Fig 11.34

Fig 11.36

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