spired me e too thou T her vict hionship a In 2001, e was on e ial debut mpionsh kg weig . way si ble to wi for all th 1 А 1) Appreciate your own good qualities. 2) You should kill your self-esteem. 3) Be a slave of your bed habit. 4) Don't bother to change the routine. If you do not travel If you do not read, If you do not listen to the sound of life, If you do not appreciate yourse If you start dying clowly. when your self-esteem when you do not let others help you you start dying slowly. If you become a slave of your habit waking everyday on the same paths. If you do not change your routien. If you do not wear different colours Or you do not speak to those you don't know You start dying slowly... you kill Or cetiona If (2 ne the TE from Who
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lmfao did you copy paste that or type that because that sh!t bussin
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