:) Split the number 324.618 according to the place value to the power of 10.
To Split the number 324.618 according to the place value to the power of 10.
Here the given number = 324.618
Now splitting the number 324.618 according to the place value to the power of 10 we get
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Given : 324.618
To Find : Split the number 324.618 according to the place value to the power of 10
324.618 = 300 + 20 + 4 + 0.6 + 0.01 + 0.008
= 3 * 100 + 2 * 10 + 4 * 1 + 6/10 + 1/100 + 8/1000
= 3 * 10² + 2 * 10¹ + 4 * 10⁰ + 6/10¹ + 1/10² + 8/10³
= 3 * 10² + 2 * 10¹ + 4 * 10⁰ + 6 * 10⁻¹ + 1 * 10⁻² + 8 * 10⁻³
324.618 = 3 * 10² + 2 * 10¹ + 4 * 10⁰ + 6 * 10⁻¹ + 1 * 10⁻² + 8 * 10⁻³
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