English, asked by dikshantsingh96, 9 months ago

Sport culture in India -- ( 100 to 150) words


Answered by pranavbhardwaj61


this is the answer of question

Answered by shivanitinky

Excellence in sports is an index of progress and development of a nation. Excellence in sports events brings honour and glory to the nation. Advanced and developed nations excell in sports events and it speaks of great mess of those nations.

Sports contribute towards the physical, mental and psychological health of people. It is obvious that in those nations where there is healthy sports culture, people stay healthy and remain fit both physically and mentally. This results in a healthy work culture and people become hardworking, dedicated and disciplined which has a profound influence on the progress and development of that nation.

As far India is concerned, it has very old and rich culture of traditional sports. There is a mention of traditional sports in ancient scriptures. Traditional sports or local sports like Kabaddi, Kushti, Gulidanda to name a few are being played in most parts of our country. India has a rich cultural diversity. There are different cultural sports which suit the environment of a particular culture and are promoted informally in that culture through generation to generation.

In the pre independence period, sports culture in our country could not thrive although concept of some sports like cricket was borrowed from outside. Later many modern sports like tennis, badminton, volleyball et al also came into existence.

British Government, however, showed no keen interest in promoting sports culture here as British imperialist forces were busy in expanding their imperial power and exploit the resources.

After independence the country was left in a bad shape. There was political and economic crisis. Poverty among the people was looming large. In independent India, as such, the focus of attention was on revival of economy which was in a bad shape. Five year plans were framed and funds were earmarked for development and growth of economy. Promotion of sports culture, as such, remained a remote concept, and it could not thrive in such a scenario. Under these circumstances only few traditional sports were played at local levels and even these sports could not be promoted for want of outside support from the corridors of power. However, a few sports personnel shot into prominence in those years who brought laurels to the nation. Dyan Chand, Dhara Singh, Amritraj brothers, Prakash Padukone to name a few carved a niche for themselves in their respective fields. These personalities, however, rose to the pinnacles of their career not because of any support from outside but because of their own talent, dedication and professionalism and above all their own resources.


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