English, asked by jloda798, 8 months ago

Sports, though essential, Chould not become the be-all and end all of student Life. Generally
the sportsmen waste to much time on them, and fail in their examination. One must never
devote more than an hour to sports, and after that, should not even think of them. Again if a
player plays rashly, there is every danger of his breaking a limb. If it is played without the
spirit of sportsmanship. It can lead to bad blood and quarrels. In some of the colleges, there
is a tradition that if the visiting team is winning a match, the home team plays foul, picks a
quarrel and tries to injure the visitors. But inspite of all these minor defects sports is very
useful in keeping the students busy and in developing their personalities. India expects it's
citizens to have the qualities of true sportsmen. If we all acquire these quantities, there will
be no narrow-mindedness, no corruption, no injustice. There will be independence in the
real sense of the word.
5- 2-10
1. (a) What harm do sports do to some students?
(b) Why do player break their limbs sometimes?
(c) How do sports develop the personality of students?
(d) What would happen, if we all acquire the quality of a true sportsman?
(e) Suggest a suitable title for the passage.​


Answered by mintyboba


A) It can lead to quarells, it will harm people by breaking limbs, children also fail because they pay more attention to sports than they do to studies.

B) Sometimes due to careless mistakes accidents like breaking of bones may occor sometimes. If we play very harshly or rashly we may break our limbs.

C) It helps students develop the spirit of sportsmanship and there will be no injustice, corruption and narrow-mindedness.

D) There will be no narrow- mindedness, no curroption and there will not be injustice. There will be independence in the world.

E) title:-

              SPORTS: FRIEND AND FOE


Read the passage and answer the following.

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