English, asked by anvisood, 6 months ago

Sportsmanship can be conceptualized as an enduring and relatively
stable characteristic or disposition such that individuals differ in the
way they are generally expected to behave in sports situations. In
general, sportsmanship refers to virtues such as fairness, self-control,
courage, and persistence, and has been associated with interpersonal

concepts of treating others and being treated fairly, maintaining self-
control if dealing with others, and respect for both authority and

The four elements of sportsmanship are often shown being good form,
the will to win, equity and fairness. All four elements are critical and a

balance must be found among all four for true sportsmanship to be
illustrated. These elements may also cause conflict, as a person may
desire to win more than play in equity and fairness and thus resulting
in a clash within the aspects of sportsmanship. This will cause
problems as the persons believe they are being a good sportsman, but
they are defeating the purpose of this idea as they are ignoring the key

components of being sportsman. When athletes become too self-
centred , the idea of sportsmanship is dismissed.

Today's sporting culture, in particular the base of elite sport, places
great importance on the idea of competition and winning and thus
sportsmanship takes a back seat as a result. In most, if not all sports,
sportsmen at the elite level make the standards on sportsmanship and
no matter whether they like it or not, they are seen as leaders and role
models in society.
Since every sport is rule driven, the most common offence of bad
sportsmanship is the act of cheating or breaking the rules to gain an
unfair advantage. A competitor who exhibits poor sportsmanship after
losing a game or contest is often called a "sore loser", while a
competitor who exhibits poor sportsmanship after winning is typically
called a "bad winner". Sore loser behavior includes blaming others for
the loss, not accepting responsibility for personal actions that
contributed to the defeat, reacting to the loss in an immature or
improper fashion, making excuses for the defeat, and citing
unfavourable conditions or other petty issues as reasons for the
defeat. A bad winner acts in a shallow fashion after his or her victory,
such as by gloating about his or her win, rubbing the win in the face of
the opponent , and lowering the opponent's self-esteem by constantly
reminding the opponent of "poor" performance in comparison even if
the opponent competed well. Not showing respect to the other team is
considered to being a bad sportsman and could lead to demoralizing
effects; as Leslie Howe describes: "If a pitcher in baseball decides to
pitch not to his maximum ability suggest that the batter is not at an
adequate level, it could lead to the batter to have low self-confidence
or worth.
Answer the following questions.
Q1. How is ‘sportsmanship’ described in the passage?


Answered by jitesh2313

man I'm so glad I will be a good fit for the job of


jdks and I have to r u dear everyone else is everyone else in mind the drive to work on it

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