English, asked by subiselva0, 1 month ago

Spot the Error - 1. She doesn't like coffee, isn't it? 2. India defeated Pakistan by innings. 3. Ramesh is senior than Venkat. 4. The dog jumped in the well 5. Neither Pranav nor Krishna are intelligent​


Answered by samrada24


she doesn't like coffee is it?

India defeated Pakistan in the innings

Ramesh is senior to Venkat

the dog jumped into the well

neither Pranav Or Krishna are intelligent

Answered by simarahluwaliasimar


1. She doesn't like coffee, does she? (error - isn't it?)

2.  India defeated Pakistan in innings. (error - by)

3. Ramesh is senior to Venkat. (error - than)

4. The dog jumped into the well. (error -  in)

5. Neither Pranav nor Krishna is intelligent. (error - are)


In the first sentence, isn't it should be changed to does she because here the person is feminine i.e., she. Thus the question tag does she?

Similarly in second sentence, by is changed to in.

In third sentence, than is changed to "to" because here we are not comparing the seniority but making a statement.

In fourth sentence,  in is changed to into because into is used when something is moving and in is used when something is in rest.

In fifth sentence, are is changed to is because we are comparing only one person with other one.


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