English, asked by pratiksha07tripathi, 11 months ago

Spot the error • Two-thirds of the land have been sold out. • The program is scheduled to be finished in three and a half day. • Two year and a half is wasted. • All the information is correct. • Much of the book seem relevant to this study. • One-third of these articles is taken up with statistical analysis. • Each of the sailors have a white hat. • One of three pillars are to be demolished.​


Answered by geetakesari786


hi I am Ayush Keshari jhfjchxbjd CD f oh f f gun c u at work and I

Answered by jagadeeshahptejas


two thirds of the land has been sold out.

the program is heduled to be finished in three and half day.

two and half year is wasted.

many of the book seem relevant to this study.

one-third of these articles are taken up with statistical analysis.

each of the sailor has a white hat.

one of three pillars is to be demolished.

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