English, asked by adi6072, 1 year ago

sppech is sliver than slience is gold write about. few lines​


Answered by ayushtripathi5359


SPEECH IS SIVER silence IS GOLD". Mahatma Gandhi ji used to quote this. No doubt unless a teacher speakes students do not learn. Hence this quote does not hold good for students during receiving period. Once maturity takes place & after attaining wisdom, the lesser one spekes the greater is the impact, This happens because great meaning can be conveyed in less words provided one is knowledgeable. But there are some real exceptions for a prolonged speech. Such an expert talk is precious like silver. In other words , good speech is compared to silver. As one grows spiritually to higher strata, the trend reverses. Amongst the wise scholars, it is better to remain silent, even though one is having abundant wisdom, ocean of knowledge & expertise. Silence conveys meaning in abundance. Then such a soundless speech is called as speech in silence. This is why it is termed " silence is gold". Materialistically, Gold is precious than silver& hence we value gold more than silver. It is very "NATURAL". Simailarly we value "SILENCE" more than a "SPEECH". This is also "NATURAL". But by experience, as we grow in spirituality, we consider speech as a "NATURAL" & silence as SUPERNATURAL powerful tools for communication. This supernaturality is very attractive & hence supreme meditation is done in "SILENCE". Masters communicate with each other so well in "SILENCE" . They do use sound but to the minimum. TELEPATHY IS A FORM OF A GOLDEN SILENCE. Telepathy makes communication possible in silence. Conversation can take place between two masters or betweem the GREAT MASTERS & GOD or SOLES. Such is the enormous power of silent speech. Miracles can happen in silence. The communicarions are very effective & powerful with fruitful results. Let us try silent mediatation. The highest form of this is called "SAMADHI". WITH ONE SITTING ITSELF ONE CAN COME TO VISUALISE THE DEAPTH OF ITS POWERFUL EFFECTS. HENCE Bapuji preferred silence all the time even during the expression of resentment while doing HUNGER STRIKE. Thus he ACHIEVED SO MANY & SO MUCH for "Indians" IN SUCH A SHORT PERIOD.


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